The Annual Subscriptions rates for the ensuing Club Year shall be deducted at each Annual General Meeting.
The Financial Year End shall be 30th September
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held within 21 days after the Financial Year End
- The Officers to be elected at each Annual General Meeting shall comprise:
- President Elect
- Hon. Secretary
- Hon. Programme Secretary
- Hon. Competition Secretary
- Hon. Treasurer
- Hon. Publicity Secretary
The Hon. Vice Presidents will be enrolled by invitation only and not by election.
The President shall not be elected annually, but shall be the President Elect of the previous year.
One person may hold the Offices of Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
- The Officers, including the immediate Past President and a Committee of two members, who shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting, shall manage the affairs of the Club.
- All Officers and Committee members shall be eligible for re-election each year except that the same person shall not hold the Office of President for two consecutive years.
- The Club shall meet weekly or upon occasions to be decided upon. Special meetings may be convened on a requisition signed by five or more members, stating the object and sent to the Hon. Secretary twenty one days before the date thereof.
- At Committee meetings four shall form a quorum, at any other business meeting, twelve.
- At the close of each Financial Year a Balance sheet shall be drawn up by the Hon. Treasurer, audited by one member or ex-member and submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
- Any member who has not paid the Annual Subscriptions for the Club Year, or the first payment if paying by two half year, or four quarterly subscriptions by 31st December shall be deemed to be in arrears. The name of any member who has not paid any Subscriptions for the Club Year by 31st January may not be included in the list of members for that year, at the discretion of the Committee.
- Prospective Club members shall pay the relevant subscription on or before their third visit to the Club at the discretion of the Committee.
- The name of any member whose actions may bring discredit to the Club may be withdrawn from the list of members.
- Rules for Club Competitions and the Annual Exhibition shall be determined by the Committee, and may be amended by the Committee at any time to meet the needs of the Club according to the circumstances prevailing at the time.
- No alterations or additions to these Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a special meeting called in accordance with Rule 7, and such alterations or additions to be submitted to Hon. Secretary twenty one days before the Annual General Meeting. No such proposed alterations or additions shall be deemed unless agreed by a majority of the members present at the meeting.