Competition No.1 held on 12 February
Judge: Brian Gromett
Title Author score
Mono Prints    
Sian Peter Ellse 20
Broughton Bridge Peter Ellse 18
Ellie Neil W 20
Waiting to enter Maria Rhoades 20
Denny - rough sleeper Neil W 19
Gem Colin Huckleslby 19
St. Mary's church, Barton John Smith 19
Inigo Jones bridge Colin Huckleslby 18
The train arriving at platform 1 is …! Richard Lloyd 18
Colour Prints    
Sian Peter Ellse 20
Lindisfarne sunset Barbara Needham 18
Anglesey sunset Neil W 20
Gunby Janet Tierney 20
Jacqueline Colin Huckleslby 20
End of an era Maria Rhoades 19
Evening, Goole Docks Colin Huckleslby 19
May Queen Neil W 19
Feather lady Richard Lloyd 18
Grey heron (Isle of Mull) Richard Lloyd 18
Digital Images - Mono    
Day ride Norma George 18
Pier Neil W 20
War Hero Neil W 20
Backlit parent and young baboon Maria Rhoades 19
Ave you gotta light, boy? John Smith 18
The drop Peter Needham 18
Digital Images - Colour    
Sunset at Corpach Barbara Needham 20
Memories in the making Maria Rhoades 20
Northumberland Seascape Neil W 20
Low tide, Baie de Mont St Michel Janet Tierney 19
Multi Coloured Rose Neil W 19
Aerial attack Maria Rhoades 18
Poseur John Smith 18