As members of both NEMPF and LPA the camera club and its members are elegible to enter several prestigous competitons.
The SCC was a founder member of the Lindsey Photographic Association and SCC members have served as key officers for the LPA for many years. Three SCC members have served as Presidents and two members as Secretary. . The administration centre is currently in Lincoln - in the centre of the county. Eighteen Lincolnshire camera clubs and photographic societies are members
The LPA is the Lincolnshire Photographic Association which the club and therefore the club members are a part of.
In April there is the Foster Trophy Colour challenge. This is a print competition run by Horncastle CC. Prints used in this competition can be used in the Battles. 6 colour prints are required one of which is needed in the event of a tie. The prints must be less that 2 years old with a maximum sized mount of 20 by 16in. On the back of the print is required the author’s name, the title and the Club’s name.
In May, June and July take the Print Battles take place.
Member clubs from the LPA each submit a portfolio of prints prepare by their own members. The member clubs are divided into sets of three and each club in turn views the portfolio. An independent judge scores points out of 20 for each print. The winners of each round go forward to the next round and the process continues until the 'finals' are fought out to identify the top club in the Association. The competition is always keen and sometimes the issue is in doubt right up to the last minute.
16 prints are used with one needed only in the event of a tie.
The top teams after the 3 rounds are then entered into the final which is normally in October.
In October or November there is the Digital battles competition. This requires 10 images sized at 1024 by 768 px with no more than 2 per author.
In November there is POTY or the LPA Photographer of the Year competition. Entries are normally taken in October at the Print Battle final. This is a mono and colour print competition but it requires panels of 3 prints on a theme of your choosing.
LPA Battles Draws 2012
North & East Midlands Photographic Federation is a similar organisation to the LPA, but covers several counties in the North and East Midlands including Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The SCC is affiliated to the PAGB and the RPS via our membership of NEMPF
N&EMPF is the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation which the club is also a member of.
In September the club will require your submissions to check and collate the entries.
Currently members can enter up to 4 mono prints, up to 4 colour prints, up to 4 nature prints, up to 4 mono dpi, up to 4 colour dpi and up to 4 nature dpi. You can also enter a panel of 4 prints on a theme of your choosing. Nature images must not use captive subjects and there should be no cloning or manipulation of the nature image.
There is currently a £3 entry fee per author and a 50p per image charge levied by N&EMPF but as with the LPA check the latest rules on their website
The accepted images can be seen at an Exhibition in January and February and the Club shows a CD of all the accepted dpi, normally in February.
If members think they might want to gain PAGB [Photographic Alliance of Great Britain] qualifications they need to show support for N&EMPF for at least 2 years by entering into this competition.
There are also club competitions in both prints and dpi which can be entered.