Competition no 3. 3 April 2019     Judge: Dave Burgess    
Beginners Digital Images     Advanced Mono Prints    
Title score Title score
A royal bird in the sunshine 34b 18 Belinda - 40s singer 7 18
Cindy 34b 19 Beverley bandstand 10 15
      Candy visits fairground 10 16
      Flagler Avenue 8 15
Beginners Mono Prints     I'm having a fag 42 20
      Left on the shelf 49 14
      Light & shade IV 7 17
Beginners Colour Prints     Light streams 5 15
The bridge of love 34b 17 Menhirs 20 15
The renaissance hotel, St. Pancras 34b 16 Part of New Holland grain terminal 49 14
      Squabbling avocets 20 15
Advanced Digital Images     Solitude 42 17
Call of the wild 20 18 Taken at an angle 5 16
Figures in the mist 42 18 Winger going down 52 16
Gliding gannet 7 19      
Indian roller chasing fly 8 17 Advanced Colour Prints    
Into the bend 7 20 Abandoned Welsh slate mine 7 17
Kestrel eyeing up its prey 51 19 Blackpool attraction 10 16
Leaping roe buck 20 16 Bomber Command hero 7 16
Leg stump gone 52 16 Flamingo on the run 8 1
Mentally preparing for the ruck 52 17 Goldfinch on teasel 52 18
Protective mum 51 15 Happy 20 17
Robin in the snow 49 15 Humber creek 42 18
Safe anchorage 42 18 Ice cap 5 14
Snow Baby 49 15 I ran this 10k for you, mum 51 17
Tight formation   16 Juvenile brown pelican 8 17
      Ladybird 5 14
      Left high and dry 49 15
      Male teal 51 20
      Mute swan preening 4 14
      Roe buck poised for flight 20 16
      Running free 52 15
      Small tortoiseshell 49 14
      Snow caps over Ladybower 10 17
      Ouse Morning Mist 42 14
      T'old mill, Bradford on Avon 5 14