Competition No.1 Held 3 Feb 2021 Judge: Dianne Seddon
     score score
Beginners Digital Images     Advanced Digital Images    
Mono     Colour    
Title     All Saints church 49 14
Covid loneliness 6b 19 Baron von Lederhosen 7 16
The Hut isn't made for sharing 6b 17 Because it's there 32 18
      Berry nice 5 16
Colour     Block and tackle 49 16
Title     Blue and white 20 19
      Bove Island in the Yukon 15 15
      Bridlington Harbour 10 18
Advanced Digital Images     Chest ..nut mushrooms 32 19
Mono     Collecting nectar 15 16
After the match 52 16 Cromer Pier 10 17
All snuggled up 49 14 Cross in poppy field 49 19
Baston in the blitz 16 17 Dhanakosa 16 14
Bill Brandt at the Hepworth 32 16 DIY city 2 16
Bretton Hall Park 20 18 Essex beach huts 7 20
Bridlington beach art 2 15 Edinburgh 16 16
Brocklesby Mausoleum 10 17 English rose 30 18
Chester High Street 7 18 Fergus 16 15
Collared dove 49 14 Festival of Light 16 16
Crossing the line 5 15 Final sunset, heavy section mill 49 17
Egret preening 51 16 Frosty winter dawn 7 19
Evandale-Penny Farthing 16 13 Frozen 5 15
Flamborough Head lighthouse 10 17 Gannet coming in to land 13 19
Frozen raindrops 5 15 Goldfinch 51 17
German architecture at its best 7 20 Grey squirrel 51 17
Ghostly 49 16 Holywell Bay mussels 2 18
Grey heron with eel 20 16 Hornsea wave 30 16
Gunnera manicata 32 14 House sparrow 52 17
Highland soldier 49 15 Humber sunset 30 16
Hook nose girl 13 19 Hydrangea in winter 5 15
Intricate work 1 16 It's RYU 1 17
It rained 32 17 Kingfisher alarm call 13 17
Jackdaw 20 19 Little egret with catch 20 18
Mia on the hill 30 17 Lockdown eating 32 16
Mono raindrop 5 16 Mist on Crowle Moors 30 16
November mist 20 18 Mr & Mrs Anderson with visitors 20 15
One careful owner 1 15 New life 2 14
Portmeirion 16 15 Normanby Hall autumn colours 15 17
Reflections at St. Paul's Cathedral 13 19 On the move 32 17
River Spey, Kingussiee 51 16 Outfall at Ladybower 13 19
Scarborough beach front 2 17 Partially frozen bubble and reflections 51 16
Sharing the fish and chips 30 17 Raindrop 2 5 15
Shot at dawn 1 17 Red stag making a statement 51 16
St. Andrews United Church 51 16 Robin 52 16
Stable mates 52 16 Shadowland 20 16
Steetley Pier 7 20 Soul singer 7 18
Stern gaze 13 19 Storm brewing over Lower Slaughter Mill 13 18
The big climb 2 14 The beginning and the end 51 14
The friendly visitor 51 19 Train to the Yukon 15 16
The walk 32 14 Waiting for waves 1 15
Train steam box and wheels 13 18 Westminster Bridge 1 17
War veteran 7 18 York at night 16 14