Competition No 2 Judge Tony Houlden     Held on 1 May    
Advanced Colour Digital     Advanced Mono Digital    
Title Club No Score Title Club No Score
1940's WW2 Enactment 34 17 Alnmouth Ruin 7 19
Arctic turn 4 16 Carol 17 17
Blue Mushroom 16 17 Cellarium at Fountains Abbey 21 19
Chickens 28 17 Commando Memorial 9 17
Contented Sparrow hawk 17 17 Dave Mac 3 17 17
Diamonds are forever 51 19 Day before closure Appleby coke ovens 24 19
Dunnet head storm sweeping in from Hoy 20 18 Down on his luck 18 18
Fighting the rappids 13 16 Fishing rods 16 17
Fish and Chicks 4 16 Industrial Wales 2 17
High Jump 7 17 Long ride home 7 18
In Time 9 18 Midnight Fountain 24 18
Just another KAWS 34 17 One of the few 13 20
Last two Exhausters standing Appleby coke ovens 24 19 Otter pup feeding 51 18
Like Father and Son 24 18 Reflections 13 17
Male Linnet eating seeds 20 20 Splash over Sea houses harbour 21 17
Manor Skies 32 17 Squirrelling in Shefield 2 16
Newgale beach 21 18 Storm approaching Innisboffin 20 18
Purple flowers 18 18 Tennis Ace 32 16
Red Telephone box 9 17 The Gambler 20 16
Reflections of Port Talbot 2 17 Thirsty Kite 4 17
Reflections of St Pauls Cathedral 13 19 Time Travellers 34 17
Seal 28 16 Under the Motorway 16 18
Short eared owl 19 17 What you looking at 9 17
Stairway to heaven 17 20      
Sunset at Budle bay 21 17      
The Wharf at Cray 7 17      
Tigers 52 18      
Tulips 18 19      
Turn that light off 16 19      
Waves of Portreath 2 17      
Waxwing collecting berries 19 18      
Advanced Colour Prints     Advanced Mono Prints    
Basket of Flowers 9 18 Abandoned Croft Wester Ross 20 16
Beating the tackle 51 17 Another grey day in Scarborough 34 17
Bringing in the wheat 34 17 Derelict Mill Caithness 20 17
Chelsea v Everton 6 17 Eddie 7 19
Curlew 20 17 ET Phone home 2 16
Flower and Ink 16 20 Face off 13 18
Kingfisher 13 18 Fountains Abbey 9 17
Life's a Drag 16 18 Grey Squirel feeding 13 20
Madam Butterfly 13 19 Groynes in the mist 16 16
Noble Rot 20 20 Hull Sail boat at Keadby 10 17
Petals 18 20 Humber Silhouette 10 16
Recycled in Gadansk 2 17 Modern Architecture 2 18
Red Lucifer 18 17 Shires rest after a hard day 34 17
Steam Punk Fire-eater 24 19 Stark 16 18
Stream in Scales Lake District 6 17 Swan Reflection 9 17
Tethered Brixham Harbour 10 17 Top of the Scott Monument 6 18
The Kelpies at Sunset 7 17 We'll meet again 7 20
Tobermory 9 18      
Torquay Harbour 10 17      
Walter 32 17      
Watching Boats 34 17      
We can do it 7 17