Member are divided into two categories:- Advanced and Beginners.

The Beginners section is open to anyone who had not won a trophy at club level. All members are free to move directly into the advanced section.

Advanced members can not move back to the beginner section.

  1. The club adheres to the N&EMPF definition of a monochrome print, [a black and white image, or with the addition of a single tone to the whole image).

  2. Identical or similar entries from any previous  year’s competitions are not eligible nor should the same or significantly similar pictures be entered as mono or colour prints or digital images in the previous competitions. 

  3. Print should be mounted on 50cm by 40cm card to be considered for external competitions. The maximum mount size of any print is 20 inches by 16 inches. Mount colours are a matter of personal preference.  Digital files - to clarify the sizing for digital images. You need to know that if your image is portrait shape, tall and narrow the tallest side can only be 1080 high, this may well mean that the width may not be 1920 but that does not matter. If you size the height more than 1080 you may find that the top or bottom may be cut off. Images will be projected at a maximum pixel size of 1920 wide x1080 high DIgital images need  be titled and saved as JPEG files, with meta data attached, on to a CD or memory stick with the member’s name and membership number marked clearly.

  4. All the images should consist entirely of the member's own work.

  5. Prints and digital files should be titled, given a class when required, and  must be clearly marked with the membership number (provided by the Competition Secretary (Internal). All new and existing members are encouraged not to include their name on the front or the back.

  6. Entries must be handed to the Competition Secretary not later than the date shown in the programme
back to competitions
  1.  There will be 6 bi monthly competition held at pre-determined times as agreed by the Committee and they will be open only to fully paid up members.
  2. The competitions are divided into three sections which are:
  •     Mononochrome prints
  •     Colour prints
  •     Digital projected Image ( DPI)

There will be no separate classes

  1. Each member can enter a maximum of 2 images in each section

  2. The images are judged by an independent external judge who will allocate points to a maximum of 20 points for each image, when two or more entries are submitted, the highest mark only will be counted

  3. Entries from any previous year’s competitions are not eligible. Entries can be re- submitted once in a given year’s bi monthly competitions but only the highest score will count when the final points are counted 

  4. The highest points for each member from each of the 6 competitions are totaled at the end of the year. The winner in each section will be the member with the highest total (Advance members only). In the event of a tie for the first place, the second set of results will be totaled and taken into consideration. An award will be given to the winner of each section at the annual awards night.

  5. The Club Committee has the right to modify any competition rules as deemed necessary during the Club year.

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This competition that does not require members to print a copy, this competition only requires a digital image.
In all digitally projected images at SCC, the club uses a piece of software called Film Free Projection.
For this to work at its best, all entrant need to add certain pieces of meta data to their  picture files once they have been sized correctly.The one complication is that the files i.e. the photographs, need to be a set size.
Please check out Competition Advice & Tips for advice on how to do this. It looks complicated but after a couple of times the procedure will become second nature.
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  1. There will be an Annual Club competition held at a pre determined time as agreed by the Committee and it will be open only to fully paid up members.The Annual is different from the bimonthly competitions (for the Advanced workers, anyway) in that it is not ‘open subject’, but is arranged in sections. 
    Beginners are still ‘open subject’
    Members don’t have to have entered any club competitions previously to enter the Annual, and any image can be entered  which has previously put in a bi-monthly competition this year, in the appropriate section. 
  2.  The competitions are divided into three sections which are:


· Mononochrome prints
· Colour prints
· Digital Projected Images


  1. Advance members


For colour prints and mono prints the sections are as follows:

[a] Pictorial
[b] Portrait
[c] Record
[d] Natural History
[e] Photojournalism/Theatre

For digital images the sections are:
[a] Pictorial
[b] Portrait
[c] Record
[d] Natural History
[e] Photojournalism/Theare
(f) Creative
(g) Monochrome


Clarification of the content of each class is provided under “Competition Advice”.There will also be an additional graphic art class in the digitally projected competition.  Entries in this category will consist of images with extensive manipulation and creativity applied.

  1. Beginner members

All three sections are open (any subject). Beginner members can enter the advance sections above , but must not exceed their allocated entry count (see 6.)

  1. Entries can be taken from bi monthly competitions for that Club year. Identical or similar entries from any previous year's competitions are not eligible, nor should the same or significantly similar pictures be entered as mono or colour prints or digital images, in the annual competition. 

  2. A member may enter a maximum of 10 monochrome prints, 10 colour prints and 10 Digital Images in the Annual competition. In the graphic art class the maximum entry is 2 per category. All the images should consist entirely of the member’s own work.

  3. Another Camera Club, or similar organisation, will do the judging as arranged by the Competition Secretary. The judge(s) will be asked to award a first, second and third place and give any Highly Commended or Commended awards as the judge(s) feel necessary. The judge(s) will be invited to the club to comments about the entries

  4. All the cups and trophies awarded in the annual competition will be presented to the winners on a date to be agreed by the Committee and put in the Club programme.

  5. The Club Committee has the right to modify any competition rules as deemed necessary during the Club year.

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