Russ Yarrow writes...

I have been asked by many friends what sort of gels I use in my water drop photos. Please find below my tips on making cheap photo gels;.

Hope this helps

Pic 1

 I make my own using plastic wallets folders which you can buy from your local pound shop (cost £1.50, pic 1.) You will find there are a large variety of different colours to choose from







 First of all you will need to make a template (pic 2) made from cardboard or paper

 Pic 2


 Pic 3



Using a felt tip pen draw around the template and cut out the shape from the plastic folder (pic 3). Make sure you leave 2 inch tabs on both sides as you will need these to fit around the flash gun. If you can’t get the colours you want try mixing the gels by layering them up




Pic 4 gives you an idea of what colours you can achieve


 Pic 4



 Pic 5



Place the gel around the flash gun head using elastic bands to hold it in place (pic 5).



 Pic 6



Pic 7





Pictures  6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 show photos using  different gels 

   Pic 8    


 Pic 9


Pic 10