Speaker Dianne Seddon ARPS CPAGB BPE3, will make a welcome return to the camera club on 4 March, with an iinteractive evening on creative photography..
The meeting will be in two halves:
First half, Dianne will be be taking us through light painting.
Dianne will be bringing all the gear, but she asks that members should ensure that they know how to:
1. put lens into manual focus
2. know how to use bulb mode if they have it
3. be able to set the camera into a 30 second exposure time.
We will have a quick refresher on this at the start of the studio night 26 February
Everything else will be run through on the night.
This is a practical night, so please bring cameras and tripods to this meeting. If members don’t have a tripod, perhaps they can organise to share with somebody.
In the second half, members are asked to bring a ‘creative’ print or dpi – it doesn’t need to be something wonderfully complicated, the idea is that is a ‘teaching’ session, as Dianne will look at them critically and helpfully!
Dianne will look at what we are doing with a view to give help and encouragement, but will also develop ideas and make suggestions for working more creatively.
Bring as many creative prints as you like – they don’t have to be mounted – the more we bring, the more we will be able to learn from Dianne!