On 4 December the club began the highlight of its competition season:- The Annual Competition which was judged by Sally Sallett ARPS CPAGB BPE2 AFIAP
Sally went through all the entries and offered advice on selecting the correct categories to optimize the chance of getting an award in future competitions.
The winning entries were announced and accompanied by valuable and erudite observations on how Sally arrived at her choices.
The silver trophies for the winning entries were presented on 11 December by Club President Barbara Scott. These were for both the Annual competition, and the trophies for the points accumulated in the bi monthly competitions.
Best Overall print was won by Eileen Davis with her colour print The Deep.
David Hornsby took the award for the Best Colour print with his print Confrontation in the locker room.
In the monochrome section Neil Whittaker gained first place winning Best Overall Mono print with Deep in thought.
Moving on to Digital Images, Neil Whittaker was awarded Best Digital Image with his portrait image Lucinda
Full competition results are as follows:-